Academic Achievement Award – AN ALUM who has excelled in the academic arena or made a significant impact in education.
Alumni Service – AN ALUM who has made a significant contribution of service to the Chapter and/or Huston-Tillotson University
Chapter of the Year – Indicate why YOUR Chapter should receive this award. Highlight events AND programs accomplished by your Chapter which are outstanding and have positively affected your community and Huston- Tillotson University.
Non-Alum – Golden Leaf – Awarded to a Non - ALUM, individual or organization, who provided assistance to an Alumni Chapter, National Alumni Association, or the University in recruitment, financial support, or community service.
Outstanding Alum – Awarded to an ALUM who has worked diligently and has made an impact on the local chapter. His or her attribute should exceed that of the average Chapter member.
Practical Endeavor – AN ALUM who has successfully ventured into a career other than that reflected by their major.
Young Alum – AN ALUM who has worked to promote Huston-Tillotson University and has contributed to the success of the chapter and/or Huston-Tillotson University. The ALUM must be under thirty-two (32) years of age and active with a chapter.
Recruitment Award - The Chapter recruiting the most students (high school seniors) to attend Huston-Tillotson University.
Distinguished Senior Excellence Award - Recognize graduating seniors for their academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and community and civic engagement.